I will often do studio-style sessions in my home with a backdrop and lights, can do sessions outdoors (weather-permitting), or can travel to your home for a "lifestyle" session. I'm open to many different location suggestions as long as we can be there legally and it's a 30 minute radius from Southpoint Mall. We will discuss what you are hoping to see in your images as we set up your session to determine the appropriate location.
Sample Ideas include:
Scroll over the photos below to see where they were taken!
Sample Ideas include:
- My Home in Parkwood neighborhood
- Parkwood lake
- Fearrington Village
- UNC Coker Arboretum in Chapel Hill
- Pullen Park
- Museum of Life and Science/ Butterfly House
- NC Botanical Gardens
- West Point on the Eno
- Burke Farm; a location exclusive to us near Fearrington Village
- Rockwood Park in Durham
Scroll over the photos below to see where they were taken!